Thursday, July 24, 2014

Calendar: August 01 - Lughnassadh

Calendar - August 01
Rituals & Festivals
Sabbat: Lughnassadh

Also, Lammas

August 1
Waxing Crescent Moon

Beginning of the harvest season.
Sunset on July 31 (Waxing Crescent Moon in Virgo) - Sunset on August 1 (Waxing Crescent Moon in Libra)

Color:  Yellow 
Herbs: Frankincense, Sandalwood
Decorations: summer flowers and grains
Altar: loaf of multi-grain or cracked whole-wheat bread to share after blessing, cauldron
Food: Blackberry wine or other dark fruity beverage, multi-grain or cracked whole-wheat bread, blackberry pie, corn on the cob, barbequed meat or fried chicken
Traditional Location: Hilltop or high place

Lughnassadh Rituals and Practices:
Athletic Contests
Blessing Bread made with the first harvest of the year
Trading and Drawing up of contracts
Visiting Holy wells
Bull Sacrifice

Barley Mushroom Soup
Lammas Bread
Summer Salad
Roasted Garlic Corn
Basil Pesto
Butter Fried Chicken
Blackberry Cobbler
Blackberry Wine

Lammas Activities:
  1. Collect Rainwater in non-metallic containers; add mugwort to empower objects.
  2. Make Sand Candles to honor the Goddess and the God of the Sea
  3. String colorful Indian corn on black thread for a necklace; feed to birds at Yule
  4. Create a small, protective Witch's Bottle full of sharp broken things and urine. Bury near house entry.
  5. Make a Corn Dolly to save for next Imbolc:
  6. Bake corn-shaped Cornbread Sticks
  7. Do a Harvest Chant when serving the cornbread at dinner:
  8. Make a Solar Wheel (eight ears of corn) or a Corn Man wheel (five ears of corn):
  9. Sprout Wheat Germ in terracotta saucer
  10. Collect Blackberries and make a fresh pie marked with the Solar Cross
  11. Have a Magical Picnic with libations to the Earth of bread and wine.

Note on the “W.I.P.” (Work in progress) Label:
WIP entries start out more like a list or notes on the subject, and will be edited and customized until I am happy enough with the content to remove the label.


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